Given the current complexity level of the globe — as a system — does not permit the role of a ‘global CEO.’ Premised on the ‘FEMOCRATIA’ and ‘SEVEN BRANCH’ doctrine, namely, to maximize the transfer of Authority and Power to the smaller structures, in Mayorchy system of government, a global entity receives a mandate, as defined in the ‘OUR TREETY’ platform, to maintain the ‘TRUNKUTILITY’ platform and to address global opportunities and challenges. (See ‘FINNOVATIONS’) At the same time, Authority and Power are vested in local mayors and their administrations.
Harmonious Self-Determination
Law Enforcement Maintenance
Righteousness and Justice
Pragmatic Servants
Mayors Collaboration - Civic Participation
Given the Mayor’s interests are aligned, they can and will thoroughly collaborate. As explained in the ‘TRUNKUTILITY,’ this platform will further strengthen the existing networking organizations of Mayors and empower civic participation through technology.